Project Justice
A short film of a story of Debora
This upcoming short film project is a captivating adaptation of the compelling story of Debora as depicted in the two chapters of the Book of Judges. The narrative unfolds with intricate details and emotive storytelling, shedding light on the courage, wisdom, and resilience of this remarkable biblical figure. Through a modern lens, the film explores the timeless themes of faith, leadership, and empowerment, resonating with audiences of all backgrounds.
As the project progresses through its development phase, the creative team is meticulously crafting each scene to capture the essence of the original text while infusing it with contemporary relevance. From the casting of talented actors to the meticulous set design, every aspect of the production is thoughtfully curated to deliver a visually stunning and emotionally impactful viewing experience.
Stay tuned for exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpses, interviews with the cast and crew, and exciting updates on the film's journey from concept to completion. Join us on this cinematic exploration of Debora's story, a tale of strength, faith, and triumph that continues to inspire and resonate with audiences around the world. Coming Soon!
Power in Numbers